Circuit Outage Schedule

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To display all circuit Re-ratings and outages in the Forecast or Powerflow Case Definition individually (an outage is a re-rating with a 0 MW rating).


Data Item Description
Identifies any Circuit data used in the Definition. When loaded from file the Circuit name defaults to that used by Transpower (FROM_TO.NUMBER convention). However, the field is used for description only and can be renamed without affecting how the system deals with the Circuit.
Date From
Date on which Re-rating starts to be effective
TP From
Trading Period in which Re-rating starts to be effective
Date To
Date on which Re-rating ceases to be effective
Trading Period in which Re-rating ceases to be effective
Maximum Circuit capacity during the Re-rating

NOTE: The value of any field in the Grid can be edited except for the Circuit Name which can only be changed using the Edit Circuit Window.


>> Double click a row to open the associated Edit Circuit Window, where Circuit details can be edited.

>> To add one or more new Re-ratings to the Outage Schedule:

  1. Select any row containing the name of a Circuit in the Circuit Outage Schedule Grid and press the <Insert> key
  2. This opens the Insert Re-ratings Window, where new Re-ratings can be added.

>> To edit details of an existing Re-rating in the Schedule:

  1. Highlight the Grid Cell you wish to alter (you can alter all fields except for the Circuit Name)
  2. Type the new value in the Cell, alternatively you can also activate the cell for editing by pressing <F2>

>> To delete an existing Re-rating from the Schedule:

  1. Highlight the Re-rating to be deleted
  2. Press the <Delete> key. You will be asked to confirm the deletion before it takes place.

NOTE: The Re-ratings Schedule Grid can be sorted on any column by double-clicking on the column header.

WARNING: It is possible to create overlapping re-ratings using the Re-rating Schedule. EMarketOffer sorts the Re-ratings by start and end dates and applies each one sequentially. This means that for any one period the last re-rating applied will be effective in the dispatch calculation. To see the actual order in which Re-ratings will be applied refer to the Re-ratings Panel on the Edit Circuit Window for any given Circuit.

The Insert Re-ratings Window

Opens when a new Re-rating is created by clicking on any cell in the Circuit Outage Schedule Grid and pressing <Insert>.


To add one or more Circuits Re-ratings (or Outages) to a Forecast or Powerflow Case Definition.


Feature Description
Date Range Selector
Allows you to select the date and time period range for which the Re-rating will be effective. Note that "To" dates are inclusive, so include the final day and time period selected
Circuit Selector
Provides a list of available re-ratable Circuits from in either a drop down list or check list. In Drop Down List mode, it is possible to insert several circuits at once by selecting one of the previously saved Circuit Watch Lists appearing at the head of the drop down selection list. To toggle between drop down list and check list, simply click on either the tick box or the check box to the left of the Circuit selector
Cancel Button
Cancels the insert new Re-rating operation and closes the Insert Re-rating Window
OK Button
Closes the Insert Re-rating Window, creating a new Re-rating row on the Circuit Outage Schedule Grid ready for editing

NOTE: New Circuits cannot be added here, you must use the Circuit Data Grid instead. Circuits added using the Data Grid will automatically appear in the Circuit selection lists.


>> To Add a new Circuit Outage in Drop Down Mode:

  1. Click on any row in the Circuit Outage Schedule Grid in the Forecast Definition Window and press <Insert> to open the Insert Re-ratings Window
  2. The Re-ratings Window will open by default in Drop Down List mode displaying the Circuit currently highlighted in the Circuit Outage Schedule Grid
  3. Use the drop down box to add Circuits for which you want to create Re-ratings
  4. Use the Data Range Selection Panel controls to specify the date range for the outage/re-rating
  5. Click the OK button to close the Insert Re-rating Window
  6. A new row will be created in the Outage Schedule Grid for each circuit selected each row will:
    1. Have the same effective date range
    2. Will have a Re-rating value of Zero (i.e. outaged by default) you will need to manually edit each new Re-rating value in the Outage Schedule Grid where non-zero values are required

>> To Add a new Circuit Outage in Check List Mode:

  1. After opening the Insert Re-ratings Window click on the Check List Toggle Button to put the Circuit Selector into Check List Mode (the Circuit currently highlighted in the Circuit Outage Schedule Grid will be automatically selected)
  2. Use the Check List to select the required Circuit/s
  3. Use the Date Range Selector controls to specify date range
  4. Press OK Button to save changes
  5. Use the Check list to select the Circuits to be re-rated

Additional Feature

The Circuit Selector supports the use of Circuit Watch Lists, to select a previously saved list of Circuits for re-rating in one operation.

>> To use Circuits Watch Lists in Drop Down Mode:

  1. Invoke the drop down list on an empty Circuit Selection field
  2. Saved Circuit Watch Lists appear in angled brackets at the top of the list, clicking on a watch list name will automatically select all Circuits in the Watch List for re-rating

NOTE: The <All> Watch List is a system generated list and when used selects all listed Circuits for re-rating

>> To use Circuit Watch Lists in Check List Mode:

  1. Click on the "+/- Sets" row at the head of the Circuit Selector List to expand the row to Include available Watch Lists
