Loaded Circuits
Item | Purpose |
- The values of all fields in the Grid can be edited except for the Re-Rating indicator which is read-only and the Circuit Name which can only be changed using the Edit Circuit Window.
- EMarketOffer flags a Circuit as re-rated if the Branch Constraint data file contains a rating change for the Circuit that starts before or during the Forecast Effective Date Range and that ends during or after the Effective Date Range. Many such re-ratings are for prolonged durations, and it is quite likely to see a Circuit flagged as re-rated and unchanging throughout the Forecast Effective Date Range.
Grid Features
Double-click on a row to open the associated Edit Circuit Window where Circuit details can be edited.
>> To add a new Circuit:
- Click on any row in the Circuits Data Grid and press the <Insert> key. This creates an empty row at the top of the Grid labelled " _ new _ ". Details of the Circuit can be entered by bringing up the Edit Circuit Window by double-clicking the empty row.
>> To delete an existing Circuit:
- Click on the row in the Circuit Data Grid containing the Circuit you want to delete and press the <Delete> key. A dialogue box asking you to confirm the delete operation will appear.
NOTE: Deleting a Circuit also deletes any re-ratings data associated with the Circuit at the time of deletion
The Edit Circuits Window
Double-clicking a Circuit Name in the Loaded Data Summary Panel of either the Forecast Definition or Powerflow Case Definition Windows.
To manually enter and modify a Circuit's Static Data and also add, delete or change re-ratings occurring during the Forecast Effective Date Range.
Feature | Description |
NOTE: When uploading historic Transmission System data from the grid data files EMarketOffer automatically applies any Transpower notified re-ratings. These can be seen as re-ratings in the Circuit Re-ratings grid.