The Powerflow Case Definition Window

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Figure 1 - The Powerflow Case Definition Window


To create, edit, run and re-run Powerflow Case Definitions.


  • Title Bar
  • Menu Bar
  • Details Panel
  • Effective Date Range Panel
  • Run Powerflow Button
  • Loaded Data Summary Panel

Title Bar

The Powerflow Case Definition Window Title Bar contains the Powerflow Case Definition name (e.g. 'Final test PFC 1').


Menu Bar

Menu Option Purpose Action
Load Data
To load historical or externally sourced data into the Powerflow Case Definition
Opens the Load Powerflow Window
Copy Powerflow
To make a copy of the current Powerflow Case Defintion
Opens a new case Definition Window containing the same input data as the current Definition
To import prepared Powerflow Case Components from the Resource Library
Opens the Component Library Import Window
To export Components of the current Forecast Definition to the resource Library
Opens the Component Library Export Window
Demand Generation Graph
To provide access to a Chart of the Demand and Generation profiles loaded into the Case Definition
Opens the Demand, Generation Graph
Allows access to the Demand Profile for all Nodes (Demand profiles can be imported and exported from here)
Opens the Demand Profile Window
Allows access to the Generation Profile for all Nodes (generation profiles can be imported and exported from here)
Opens the Generation Profile Window

Load Powerflow Data Window


Load data into a Powerflow by:

  • Clicking on the Load Data button, or
  • Use the Data > Load Data Option in the Powerflow Case Definition Window Menu Bar.



  • Control the loading of all Definition input data in a single operation
  • Record the details of the last load operation for a specific Definition


Component Purpose
Load Profile Panel (under the yellow heading of "Demand and Generation"
Controls the loading of Demand and Generation Profile Data
Load Transmission Data Panel (under yellow heading of "Transmission"
Controls the loading of Transmission data
Load/Close buttons
Initiates or cancels the loading operation specified in the template

Load Profile Panel


The Data > Load Data menu option in the Powerflow Case Definition Window.


To load seven day Demand and Generation profile data into a Powerflow Case from an online database.


Component Purpose
Date From Field
Uses a date selector to specify the inclusive date (day) to start loading Demand data into the Powerflow Case Definition
Number of Weeks Button
Specifies the number of weeks of Demand and Generation data (starting at the specified Load Start Date) to use when creating an averaged profile for each Node
Date To Display
Shows the last date for which profile data will be loaded or included into an averaged profile
Clear and Load Check box
Clears all existing Profile data before loading new profile data (toggles with the Keep and Overwrite Check box)
Keep and Overwrite Check box
Keeps existing profile data and overwrites with new data averaged with existing data, allowing averaged Demand profiles to be created using Demand data from discontinuous time periods (toggles with the Clear and Load Check box)
Last Load Operation Details
Records when Demand and Generation profile data was last loaded and if the load operation was succesful
Load Demand Data and Generation Check box
To include or exclude profile data from the next Load Operation
Reset Button
Restores the Profile Load Panel to its default settings

Load Transmission Data Panel


The Data > Load Data menu option in the Powerflow Case Definition Window.


To specify the date range of Transmission data you want to load into a Powerflow Case Definition from you default Transmission System data source.

The default EMarketOffer data source for Transmission System data

When uploading Transmission System data into a Powerflow Case EMarketOffer first checks the Inputs sub-folders for valid grid files, and uses these in preference to data from an online database, even when a connection to obtain Transmission System data has been defined.

Transmission System Data Loading Modes

Transmission System data can be loaded into a Powerflow Case Definition in one of two modes:

  • Date Range Mode
  • Period Mode

Date Range Mode

Accessed by clicking on the "Date Range" tab under the "Transmission" heading.


To select a date range for loading a Powerflow Case Definition with Transmission System data.

A Definition loaded through the Date Range Mode will contain the following:

  • Base Grid Configuration
  • All Re-ratings applied during the date range
  • All Equation Constraints applied during the date range
Component Purpose
Date Selectors
Allows you to specify the inclusive dates to start/end loading Transmission data into the Definition
Clear and Load Check box
Clears all existing Transmission data before loading new data (toggles with the Keep and Overwrite Check Box)
Keep and Overwrite Check box
Keeps existing Transmission data and overwrites with new data from the database
Last Load Operation Details
Records when Transmission data was last loaded into the Definition
Include Transmission Data in Load Check box
To include or exclude Transmission data from the next Load Operation
Reset Button
Restores the entire Transmission Load Panel (file and database) to its default settings:
  • Start Date = First date of the Effective Date Range
  • End Date = Last date of the Effective Date Range
  • Clear and Load = Checked
  • Include Transmission System data in next load operation

Period Mode

Accessed by clicking on the "Period" tab under the "Transmission" heading.


To select a specific period which will provide the basic Transmission System data for all periods in your Powerflow Case Effective Date Range.

NOTE: When using Period Mode EMarketOffer applies the basic grid and re-ratings to obtain the System Configuration for the Period and applies this to all periods in the Powerflow Case Effective Date Range. It does not keep specific records of Circuit re-ratings or Equation Constraints, which are kept when loading in Date Range Mode.

Control of the Transmission data takes place through the Load Transmission Data Panel in Period Mode.

Component Purpose
Date Selector
Specifies the inclusive date of the period to load Transmission data into the Powerflow Case Definition
Period Selection Bar
Used with the mouse to select the loading Period
Period Selection Roller
Used with the mouse or by text entry to select the loading Period
Clear and Load Check box
Clears all existing Transmission data before loading new data (toggles with the Keep and Overwrite check box)
Keep and Overwrite Check box
Keeps existing Transmission data and overwrites with new data from the database
Last Load Operation Details
Records when Transmission data was last loaded
Load Transmission Data Check box
To include or exclude Transmission data from the next Load Operation
Reset Button
Restores the entire Transmission Load Panel (file and database) to its default settings:
  • Start Date = First date of the Effective Date Range
  • End Date = Last date of the Effective Date Range
  • Clear and Load = Checked
  • Include Transmission System data in next load operation

The Export Powerflow Components Window

The function and operation of this window are similar to that of the Export Forecast Components Window.

The Import Powerflow Components Window

The function and operation of this window are similar to that of the Import Forecast Components Window.

The Demand Profile Option


The Profiles > Demand option of the Powerflow Case Definition Window Menu.



  1. Import and export Demand Profile files
  2. Edit Demand figures for groups or individual Trading Periods and Nodes.

NOTE: The format of Demand Profile files is covered in Demand Profile File Format.

The Window displays the seven-day Demand Profile in a Data Grid with a column for each Node and a row for each Trading Period. Data in a cell can be edited manually. Cutting and pasting to and from single or multiple cells is supported.

The File menu provides access to the Export and Import functions for the Profile.

The Demand Generation Graph


The Graphs > Demand Generation Graph menu option in the Powerflow Case Definition Window.


To show the Demand and Generation Profile for the current Powerflow Case Definition in graphical form.


Feature Purpose
Title Bar
Shows the type of Graph being displayed
Date Range Selectors
Displays how the loaded profile will appear on any specific day (and for how many days)
Chart Options Link
Opens the Chart Options Window where you can control some aspects of the chart's appearance
Chart Area
Contains the Chart's graphical contents
Quantity Axis
Linear scale of Demand/Generation quantity (MW)
Time Axis
Profile days
Demand Line
Profile Demand displayed as a single line
Generation Area
Profile Generation displayed as a shaded area
Period Roll Over
A mouse-activated feature showing (for the point under the cursor):
  • Day, Date and Period (e.g. "Tue, 23 Aug 200 : 37")
  • Demand Quantity
  • Generation Quantity

NOTE: The Demand Generation Graph Window is sizable. The chart area expands and compresses to fill the available space.

>> To change the colours used on the graph:

  1. Click on the blue Options... link in the top right hand corner of the Graph window
  2. Choose the required colours using the options in the pop-up window.

The Export Powerflow Components Window

The function and operation of this window are similar to that of the Export Forecast Components Window.

The Import Powerflow Components Window

The function and operation of this window are similar to that of the Import Forecast Components Window.

The Demand Profile Option


The Profiles > Demand option of the Powerflow Case Definition Window Menu.



  1. Import and Export Demand Profile files
  2. Edit Demand figures for groups or individual Trading Periods and Nodes.

NOTE: The format of Demand Profile files is covered in the Demand Profile File Format.

The Window displays the seven-day Demand Profile in a Data Grid with a column for each Node and a row for each Trading Period. Data in a cell can be edited manually. Cutting and pasting to and from single or multiple cells is supported.

The File menu provides access to the Export and Import functions for the Profile.

Exporting from the Profile

Selecting the File > Export option open the Export Node Profile Options Window.

Component Purpose
Select All Nodes check box
When checked will include in the exported data, Demand for all Nodes in the loaded Profile. When not checked the Node Selection Drop Down List is displayed
Node Selection Drop Down List
To select the individual Nodes to be included in the export
Output Format Type Toggle
To select if the data will be exported with Nodes as columns or rows
Included Day Selector
To select which Profile days will be exported.
Output Location Toggle
To select if the data will be output to CSV file or to the Windows Clipboard
On Completion Action
When checked will cause the created CSV file to be opened automatically when the export is complete.
OK Button
Executes the data export operation. When saving to .csv file this button will open the Standard Windows 'Save As' dialogue to select a name and location for the exported profile.
Cancel Button
Cancel the export operation and closes the Options Window.

Importing Into the Profile

Demand data can be imported into the Powerflow Case Profile from any properly formatted file. Selecting the File > Import menu option opens the Standard Windows file browsing window to locate the import file.

An imported Profile File may contain data for:

  • One or many Nodes
  • One or many profile days
  • One or many Trading Periods

NOTE: Demand for Nodes absent from the Profile's Transmission System data will be loaded, but will not play any role in the Powerflow analysis unless the new Node is manually connected with one or more user-defined Circuits.

The Generation Profile Option


The Profiles > Generation option of the Powerflow Case Definition Window Menu.



  1. Import and export Generation Profile files
  2. Edit Generation figures for individual period and Nodes.

NOTE: The format of Generation Profile files is covered in Generation Profile File Format.

The Window displays the seven-day Generation Profile in a Data Grid with a column for each Unit and a row for each Trading Period. Data in a cell can be edited manually. Cutting and pasting to and from single or multiple cells is supported.

The File menu provides access to the Export and Import functions for the Profile.

Exporting from the Profile

Selecting the File > Export option opens the Export Unit Profile Options Window.

Component Purpose
Select All Units check box
When checked will include in the exported data Generation for all Units in the loaded Profile. When not checked the Unit Selection Drop Down List is displayed
Unit Selection Drop Down List
To select individual Units to be included in the export.
Output Format Type Toggle
To select if data will be exported with Units as columns or rows
Included Day Selector
To select which Profile days will be exported
Output Location Toggle
To select if the data will be output to CSV file or to the Windows Clipboard
Open CSV on creation check box
When checked will cause the created CSV file to be opened automatically when the export is complete
OK Button
Executes the data export operation. When saving to .csv file this button will open the Standard Windows 'Save As' dialogue for you to select a name and location for the exported profile.
Cancel Button
Cancels the export operation and closes the Options Window

Importing Into the Profile

Generation data can be imported into the Profile from any properly formatted file. Selecting the File > Import menu option opens the Standard Windows file browsing window to locate the import file.

An imported Profile File may contain data for:

  • One or many Units
  • One or many profile days
  • One or many Trading Periods

NOTE: Generation for Units not currently connected in the Profile's Transmission System data will be loaded, but will not play any role in the Powerflow analysis unless the new Unit is manually connected to a specific injection Node.


The Powerflow Case Details Panel


Item Purpose
Powerflow Case Name Button
Enables the Powerflow Case to be named by opening the Renaming Window
Powerflow Case Name Field
Displays the Powerflow Case name
Powerflow Case Comments Field
Enables important information about the Powerflow Case to be saved (e.g. creator, creation date, reason for creation etc). Information entered in this field is free text only and cannot be used in searches etc.


Effective Date Range Selector


Item Purpose
Selects Start Date for the Effective Date Range
Start TP Selector
Selects the Start Period for the Effective Date Range. Can be altered by direct text entry from the keyboard or by operating the up and down arrow head buttons.
Number of Periods Selector
Selects the number of discrete Trading Periods included in the Effective Date Range
Run Powerflow Button
Runs a Powerflow Case Definition to produce output


Powerflow Case Loaded Data Summary Panel


To display a summary of the data currently loaded into the Powerflow Case Definition.


Feature Purpose
Data grid Toggle Buttons
Select the type of information to be displayed in the Panel's Data Grid
Data Grid Panel
Displays summarised Powerflow Case data
Data Grid Header Row
Contains the column headings for the displayed data columns
Data Grid Information Row
Each Data Grid row contains information relevant to a single instance of a modelled item. Most data values displayed in the Panel can be edited directly; also double-clicking on a row opens a window for editing the instance's details.
Create/Delete Instance Buttons
To add new, or delete instances of the Modeled Item currently displayed in the Data Grid Panel. The behaviour of the create/delete operation varies by Modelled Item type

The following Data Grids can be displayed:

  • Loaded Nodes
  • Loaded Units
  • Loaded Circuits
  • Loaded Equation Constraints
  • Circuit Re-rating Schedule
  • Equation Constraint Schedule
  • Swing Nodes

The Powerflow Node Data Grid


To display the Node name and Associated Sub-Station for each Node loaded into the Definition.

NOTE: The value of the Substation field can be edited but not the Node Name which can only be changed using the Edit Node Window.


>> Double-click on row to open the associated Edit Node Window where Nodal Demand can be edited

>> To add a new Node:

  1. Click on any row in the Nodes Data Grid and press the <INSERT> key. This creates an empty row at the top of the Grid. Details of the Node can be entered by bringing up the Edit Node Window for the empty row.

>> To delete an existing Node:

  1. Click on the Nodes Data Grid row containing the Node to be deleted
  2. Press the <Delete> key - a dialogue box asking you to confirm the delete operation will appear.

The Powerflow Case Unit Data Grid


To display the following items for each Unit loaded into the Powerflow Case Definition:

  • Unit name
  • Active Status (checked when Generation for the Unit is included in the Powerflow analysis)
  • Associated Generation Station
  • Injection Node

NOTE: The values of all fields in the Grid can be edited except for the Unit Name which can only be changed using the Edit Unit Window.


>> Double-click a row to open the Edit Unit Window where Unit Offers can be edited

>> To add a new Unit:

  1. Click on any row in the Units Data Grid and press the <Insert> key. This creates an empty row at the top of the Grid labelled " _ new _ ". Details of the Unit can be entered by bringing up the Edit Unit Offers Window for the empty row.

>> To delete an existing Unit:

  1. Click on any row in the Units Data Grid and press the <DELETE>key. A dialogue box asking you to confirm the delete operation will appear.

NOTE: Deleting the Unit also deletes any Offers data associated with the Unit at the time of deletion


Component Purpose
Unit Details Panel
Editable display of Unit details:
  • Unit Name
  • Injecting Node
  • Included in Powerflow analysis indicator
  • Associated Generator
Generation Data Grid
Displays Generation by period for each day in the seven-day generation profile
Display Toggle Buttons
Toggles between Grid and Graph display modes.

The Unit Generation Graph


Double-clicking the Graph Button in the Edit Unit Generation Window.


To display the Powerflow Case Generation Profile for a specific Unit.

Component Purpose
Unit Details Panel
Editable display of Unit details:
  • Unit Name
  • Injecting Node
  • Included in Powerflow analysis indicator
  • Associated Generator
Generation Graph
Displays Generation in MW by period as a vertical red line
Display Toggle Buttons
To toggle between Grid and Graph display modes
Day of the Week Selector
Switches the time axis for the Generation Graph to one of the seven profile days or to the whole seven-day profile

The Powerflow Case Circuit Data Grid


Item Purpose
Circuit Name
Name of Circuit
Circuit 'From' Node
Circuit 'To' Node
Component of HVDC indicator (checked when circuit contributes to the HVDC link)
Circuit Resistance value
Circuit Reactance value
Summer Capacity
Circuit Summer Capacity
Winter Capacity
Circuit Winter Capacity
Checked when circuit is re-rated at any time during the Forecast Effective Date Range


  1. The values of all fields in the Grid can be edited except for the Re-Rating indicator which is read-only and the Circuit Name which can only be changed using the Edit Circuit Window.
  2. EMarketOffer flags a Circuit as re-rated if the Branch Constraint data file contains a rating change for the Circuit that starts before or during the Forecast Effective Date Range and that ends during or after the Effective Date Range. Many of the re-ratings in the grid data files are for prolonged durations. It is therefore quite likely you will see a Circuit flagged as re-rated while the rating throughout the chosen Powerflow Case Effective Date Range remains constant.


Double-click on a row to open the associated Edit Circuit Window where Circuit details can be edited.

>> To add a new Circuit:

  1. Click on any row in the Circuits Data Grid and press the <Insert> key. This creates an empty row at the top of the Grid labelled " _ new _ ". Details of the Circuit can be entered by bringing up the Edit Circuit Window by double-clicking the empty row.

>> To delete an existing Circuit:

  1. Click on the row in the Circuit Data Grid containing the Circuit you want to delete and press the <Delete> key. A dialogue box asking you to confirm the delete operation will appear.

NOTE: Deleting a Circuit also deletes any re-ratings data associated with the Circuit at the time of deletion

The Powerflow Case Equation Constraints Data Grid


To display the following items for each Equation Constraint loaded into the Powerflow Case Definition:

  • Constraint Name
  • Included Status (checked when Constraint will be included in dispatch)
  • Type (can be 'Permanent', 'Temporary' or 'Outage')
  • Season (can be 'Summer' or 'Winter')
  • Default Limit (used as the default limit value when applied in the Forecast)

NOTE: EMarketOffer flags Equation Constraints as Active if the grid data files contain a Constraint starting before or during the Powerflow Case Effective Date Range and ending during or after the Effective Date Range.


>> Double-click on a row to open the Edit Equation Constraint Window where Constraint details can be edited

>> To add a new Equation Constraint:

  1. Click on any row in the Equation Constraints Data Grid and press the <Insert> key. This creates an empty row at the top of the Grid labelled " _ new _ ". Details of the Constraint can be entered by bringing up the Edit Equation Constraint Window by double-clicking the empty row.

>> To delete an existing Circuit:

  1. Click on the row in the Circuit Data Grid containing the Circuit you want to delete and press the <DELETE> key. A dialogue box asking you to confirm the delete operation will appear.

NOTE: Deleting a Constraint also deletes any re-ratings data associated with the Constraint at the time of deletion.

The Powerflow Circuits Re-ratings Schedule Grid

Please refer to the section, the Circuit Re-ratings Schedule Grid which has identical functionality.

The Powerflow Equation Constraints Schedule Grid

Please refer to the section, the Equation Constraints Schedule Data Grid which has identical functionality.

The Powerflow Swing Node Data Grid


To select one or more Swing Nodes to which unmatched demand in the Powerflow Analysis can be allocated.


Swing Nodes can be selected using a check list or drop down box (selected using the buttons in the top right hand corner of the Data Grid).
