The File Menu

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The File Menu provides access to the following EMarketOffer features:

  • Data Sources
  • Map Settings
  • Save All Settings
  • Open EMO Data Directory
  • Exit

The Data Sources Option

Please read in conjunction with the section on Connecting to a Database Server.

Data Source Concepts

Input data can be sourced from file (see Data Files), or from online database servers.

The Database Connection Configuration

EMarketOffer supports multiple connections to multiple database servers. Database connectivity is managed through the Database Connection Configuration (DCC). A DCC contains a number of queries which obtain data from one or more databases. While a DCC's queries can access data in more than one database on more than one database server, it is not possible to have more than one query handling data of the same type (e.g. only one query can return Price data, and only one query can return Demand data). To overcome this limitation it is possible to define multiple DCCs. Each configuration will define a different, but complete set of data access queries. EMarketOffer can use only one DCC at a time, which together with the data files loaded from the Inputs files directory, fully determine EMarketOffer's run-time data environment.

The Database Connection

A Database Connection is a set of data that describes the addressing, technical and security details required to a specific database on a specific database server. The details are combined in to a specific string format and used to access the required data. A DCC must contain one connection string for every database to be addressed in the configuration.

NOTE: Only one Connection per server is required in DCC. Therefore if all your data is stored in the same database then all queries required to access data can use the same Connection.

Source Data Administration Window


The Database Connections option in the Main Window File Menu.


To manage Database Connection Configurations (DCC).


Feature Purpose
Database Connections Configuration Selector
To set the Current DCC from a drop down box of all currently available DCCs.
Open configuration Button
Opens the DCC Window for the selected configuration
New Configuration Button
Opens the New DCC Window Dialogue
Use Grid File Inputs Check Box
When checked (default) EMarketOffer processes Transmission System files in the Inputs/Grid sub-folder
Refresh All Cached Data Button
Reloads all cached data (from file and database)

The Grid File Inputs Station Window


The File Inputs option in the Main Window File Menu.


Details the files currently being used to load Constraints data and any associated loading errors. The Window can also be used to access and reload external grid files.

Components and Features

Component Feature Purpose
Control Panel
Reset Grid Inputs Button
Reloads the Constraints data files (allows you to load modified or replaced Transmission System files without having to restart EMarketOffer)
Open Grid Files Input Directory Button
Opens a standard Windows file directory window \Inputs\Grid for quick access to Transmission System files
Status Panel
External File Types Loaded List
Lists type of external transmission systems files loaded (in the above example the EM6 Constraints Change file type has been loaded)
Loading Error List
List the types of errors found when attempting to load files line by line. Errors are listed by re-ratings or Group Constraint groupings a total of each is provided. Errors text for each loading failure are designed to be self-explanatory
Setup Error List
Lists the errors when attempting to create a consistent set of Constraints after each line has been loaded

Database Connection Settings Window


Either through the Open Configuration Button or the New Configuration Button, both on the External Data Administration Window.


Specification of the database connection and query details used by a Database Connectivity Configuration (DCC).

Components and Features

Component Feature Purpose
Function Panel
Test Button
Tests the validity of the DCC. Test results are displayed in the Status Box (see below)
Save Button
Saves the current set of configuration data to file.

NOTE: Connection details changed through the interface will only remain effective for the current session. Unless saved using this button, future sessions will revert to the previously saved details.
Done Button
Closes the Data Connections Window retaining any unsaved changes for the current session only.
Date and Period Selector
Selects the Date and Trading Period for the data connectivity test.
Status Box
Shows the results of the last connectivity test
Database Panel
Add Button
Creates a new Database Connection
Delete Button
Delete an existing Database Connection
Name Field
Contains the name of the Database Connection used to reference the connection in the Query Panel
Connection Type Field
Determines the type of connection EMarketOffer will use for a specific connection. Currently supported connections are:
  • OleDB
  • ODBC
  • Oracle
  • SQL
OleDB and ODBS are generic types and operate with most SQL compliant databases. The Oracle and SQL connection types are specific .net variants for the Oracle and Microsoft SQL server database type. They provide performance superior to the generic connection types and should be used by preference where possible.
Connection String Field
Contains the Connection String required to access a database server
Date Brackets Field
Contains the symbol used by database server to identify dates within query strings (varies by server type)
Date Format Field
Defines how the database server interprets date formats
Error Field
Displays results from the last test operation that are specific to this Database Connection
Query Panel
Entity Type Field
Informs EMarketOffer which entity type a query will return data for (either 'Node' or 'Unit')
Connection Field
Defines the Connection String, named through the Database Panel which is used by the query
Query Field
Contains the text of the query used to access data
Date Field Field
Links the column containing the date in the query to EMarketOffer's date/time handler (allows you to use in-house column names)
TP Field Field
Links the Trading Period column in the query to EMarketOffer's date/time handler (allows you to use in-house column names)
Entity Field Field
Links the Entity column (defined in the Entity Type Field) in the query to EMarketOffer's Entity data handler (allows you to use column names from your in-house databases from queries)
Other Fields Field
Links additional columns in the query to EMarketOffer's Entity.trait data handler
Error Field
Displays the results of the last test operation specific to the query
Sent Query Field
Displays the actual text of the last query sent to test the database connection (provided as a feature to assist with trouble shooting during setup)

Creating A New Database Connection Configuration