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The Reserve Management Tool

The inputs to the SPD solver are shown in the figure and table below (adapted from Transpower's Reserve Management Tool (RMT) functional specification). There are two broad categories of input:

  1. Energy and reserve offers from market participants
  2. Parameters that define the Reserves requirement are calculated mostly by a software application: the RMT.


Term Explanation
Generation Offer
Offer made to supply energy by generator
Reserve Offer
Offer made to supply reserve by a Generation Unit
Fast Instantaneous Reserve
Sustained Instantaneous Reserve
Interruptible Load Reserve
Reserve available from the reduction of load
Partly Loaded Reserve
Reserve available from increasing generation from unused generation capacity
Tailwater Depressed Reserve
Reserve available by implementing tail water depression in a hydro generator
Load Bids
Bids made by consumers for supply at a GXP
Load Forecast
The estimated load forecast given for each trading period
The risk corresponding to the required FIR. Applies to ACCE, DCCE (CE) and ECE.
The risk corresponding to the required SIR. Applies to ACCE, DCCE (CE) and ECE.
The required FIR. Applies to ACCE, DCCE (CE) and ECE
The required SIR. Applies to ACCE, DCCE (CE) and ECE
Contingent Event
Extended Contingent Event
Risk Adjustment Factor. Four different RAFs exist for each island, for CE and ECE for FIR and SIR respectively. To achieve the required reserve, the RAF is multiplied by the risk after deducting the Net Free Reserve.
Net Free Reserve. The offset from the risk that the RAF is applied to.
Contingent Event caused by the loss of (usually) one generator unit.
Contingent Event caused by the loss of (usually) one HVDC pole.
Calculated by RMT. Quantifies the maximum transient overload power that the HVDC link can transfer at the inverter after a Contingent Event, not taking any AC constraints into account.
Halfpole Rampupmax
Calculated by RMT. Quantifies the maximum transient overload power that the HVDC halfpoles can transfer at the inverter after a Contingent Event, not taking any AC constraints into account.
Manual Risk
Manually Entered Min. A fixed risk that cannot be optimised by the SPD solver.
Clearing Price at Nodes
Nodal Price
Cleared Load
Load that will be connected at a cleared price
Internally calculated by SPD. Quantifies the steady state power that the HVDC link can transfer after a Contingent Event, taking Benmore bus constraints into account
The maximum MW north transfer on Benmore Pole 1A
The maximum MW north transfer on Benmore Pole 1B
The maximum MW south transfer on Benmore Pole 1A
The maximum MW south transfer on Benmore Pole 1B
Cleared Reserve
Reserves that will be connected at a cleared price
Cleared Generation
Generation that will be connected at a cleared price
HVDC Bipole Transfer
The MW transfer of the HVDC link
HVDC Branch Limits
Limits in the transfer on each HVDC pole and halfpole. May be reduced due to outages of equipment etc

Relationship between EMarketOffer and RMT

EMarketOffer does not reproduce RMT functionality and must be provided with the RMT generated parameters to be used for final dispatch. The inputs required by EMarketOffer to model reserves appear in the table below.

Input Group Item Description
Energy Offers
Price (bands 1-5)
Offer Price in bands 1 to 5 for the Units
Quantity (bands 1-5)
Offer Quantity in bands 1 to 5 for the Units (always zero for Powerflow Case Data Sources)
Reserves Offers
Price: PLSR/TWD/ILR (bands 1-3)
Price offered by Reserve type for the Unit in bands 1 to 3 for the Unit
Quantity PLSR/TWD/ILR (bands 1-3)
Quantity offered by Reserve type for the Unit in bands 1 to 3 for the Unit
Slope: PLSR (bands 1-3)
Unit slope to be used for PLSR offers made by the Unit in bands 1 to 3
Reserves Settings
Reserve Region
North/South Island
DC Offset FR
HVDC Fast Reserve Risk Offset
DC Offset SR
HVDC Sustained Reserve Risk Offset
AC Offset FR
AC Fast Reserve Risk Offset
AC Offset SR
AC Sustained Reserve Risk Offset
Base Risk FR
Fast Reserve Base Risk (Manual Risk)
Base Risk SR
Sustained Reserve Base Risk (Manual Risk)
Fast Reserve Risk Adjustment Factor
Sustained Reserve Risk Adjustment Factor

NOTE: Some of the Reserve requirement data, particularly the AC Offsets, are not published in the data generally available to market participants. You will need to either estimate the value of these input data or obtain examples on request from the system operator.

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