Input Data

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The input data types processed by EMarketOffer:

  • Generation Data
  • Price data
  • Offers data
  • Demand data
  • Transmission data
  • Static (user-defined) data

Generation Data

Generation data is used:

  • As information-only in theUnits Information Grid for the Market Data Source
  • To calculate Powerflows for the Market Data Source
  • To calculate Powerflows for the Powerflow Case Data Source

Loading Generation Data

Historical Generation data can be loaded from an online database (see Connecting to a Networked Database). Historical or user-created Generation data can be loaded into Powerflow Case Definitions from file as a generation profile.

Price Data

Historical Price data is used as information-only in the Units Information Grid for the Market Data Source

Loading Historical Price Data

Historical Price data can only be loaded into EMarketOffer through direct connection to an online database (see Connecting to a Networked Database).

Offers Data

Historical Offers data is used:

  • As information-only in the Units Information Grid' for the Market Data Source
  • As input into the seven-day Offers Profile in forecast Definitions
  • As input into Scenario Data Sources based on historical Trading Periods (when available)

NOTE: EMarketOffer does NOT use Offers to calculate Powerflows for historical Trading Periods.

Loading Historical Offers Data

Historical Offers can be loaded either through:

  • direct connection to an online database
  • from pre-formatted Offers files
  • Offers profile files (Forecast Definitions only)

Pre-formatted Offers files must use the same formatting used by the COMIT service for providing Offers data and be named in the following manner:



'Offers' is the text 'Offers'
'yyyy' is the numerical 4 digit year (e.g. 2012)
'mm' is the numerical 2 digit month (e.g. 06)
'dd' is the numerical 2 digit day (e.g. 08)

You can download Offers files directly from COMIT and use them without further editing (once renamed).

NOTE: Date format is important - the date in the file name is used to allocate offers data to specific week days. One Offers files cannot contain data for periods from two different calendar days.

Offers files are processed row by row without regard to overall integrity. This allows you to edit the raw Offers files prior to loading to:

  • Alter Offer Prices and Quantities
  • Restrict the number of offered periods to less than a full day
  • Restrict the number of offering Generation Units to less than those actually offering on the day

The formatting for the Offers files can be found in the Appendix.

Offers profile files can also be used. An Offers profile file uses a proprietary format designed to capture a complete seven-day profile suitable for importing into a Forecast Definition. The format of this file can be found in the Appendix.

Using Offers with Forecast Definitions

EMarketOffer's Forecast Definitions are based on a weekly Offers Profile, organised by day of week (as opposed to date). Offers for no more than seven consecutive days can be loaded into a Forecast Definition.

The following points should be noted:

  • Where a 'Forecast Effective Date Range extends beyond seven days, Offers from the loaded profile will be re-used (by corresponding day of the week) from day eight onward
  • Where Offers for fewer than seven days are loaded into a Forecast Definition , any periods in the Effective Date Range not covered by the loaded Offers will fail to dispatch
  • New Offers can be loaded over the top of existing Offers. examples of how this might be useful include:
    • producing modified historical offers by loading a week profile from the database and then loading an edited and/or partial Offers file containing different data
    • Modifying a single generator's offering behaviour by loading an edited file containing Offers for only the Generation Unit and specific Trading Periods of interest leaving all previously loaded Offers (for this or any other generator) unchanged.
  • Offers files are loaded consecutively by date from earliest to latest. Loading more than seven-days of Offers data from file will cause over-writing of the weekly Offer profile. for example if ten days of offers are loaded from file the first three days will be lost.

Demand Data

Historical Demand data is used:

  • As input into calculating the Powerflows in the Market Data Source
  • As input into the seven-day Demand profile for Forecast Definitions and Powerflow Cases

Which Demand data to use with EMarketOffer?

For best results EMarketOffer's database connection should be configured to use reconciled SPD Daily Demand data (available to subscribed COMIT users) as this most closely matches the historical Offers used in final dispatch. However, EMarketOffer can be configured to work with SCADA or other Demand data. Where SCADA data is used the net final Load at each Market Node should also be used.

Loading Historical Demand Data

Historical Demand can be loaded into EMarketOffer either through:

  • direct connection to an online database,
  • from pre-formatted Demand files
  • from demand profile files

Pre-formatted files