The Data Menu

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The Edit Menu provides access to the following EMarketOffer features:

  • Opening a Secondary Window
  • Report and Graph Generation
  • Opening Supply Curve and Offer Graphs
  • Viewing outages on POCP
  • Viewing the currently active equation constraints

The Open New Window Option


Opens a separate Secondary Window of the same type (Map or Information Grid) as that currently displayed in the Main Window Display Panel.

The Reports and Graphs Option

EMarketOffer's reporting and charting is designed for practicality to allow easy export of results to other applications for post-processing.

Reporting and Graphing Concepts

The reporting function allows you to output dynamic data from the Current Data Source to:

  • A csv formatted text file
  • A Chart

The content of any one Report Output will be a single trait for multiple instances of a single Modelled Item e.g:

  • Attribute = Load
  • Modelled Item = Node
  • Instances = ADD011 and KEN0331

Reports can be collected together into batches which can be saved for later use with the same or a different data source.

The Reports Window


The Reports and Graphs option in the Main Window Edit Menu.


To specify single and batched Reports, in Chart or .csv file format.

NOTE: The Batch-related panels can be made smaller or larger by clicking and dragging on the Movable Divider at the head of the Batch Control Panel (placing your mouse over the divider will change the cursor to a horizontal bar crossed with a double-headed arrow). This allows you control the size of the display of Batch and Batch Components lists.


Feature Purpose
Modeled Item Browser
An expandable tree which allows you to select the Modeled Item for a Report or Chart. Note that only one Modeled Item from the browser can be selected for a Report or Chart.
Date and Time Selectors
Selects the Start/Finish time and date for the Report or Chart
CSV/Graph/All/Selected Tick boxes
Toggles the output type from Report to General Purpose Chart and allows you to select if all or just selected instances will be included in the Report
Times in Columns Check Box
Orders Report output so that the time dimensions is carried across columns. If not checked the time dimension is carried across rows.
Open Immediately Check Box
Causes a report to be opened directly after it is saved using whichever program is registered to open csv formatted files on your workstation. If not checked the file is saved but not opened. (Reports only)
Create Report/Graph Button
Saves the csv file to the specified location or opens a chart window
Item Selection Drop Down List
Selects instances of the Modelled Item to be included in the report. Only visible when:
  • The Chart radio button is checked; or
  • The Selected Instances radio button is checked

Any Watch Lists of instances you have created for the selected Modeled Item will appear in the drop down list.

File Name Field
To specify the file name for the saved report. Note the default file name contains embedded variables (which can be removed):
  • <VersionType> e.g. 'Forecast' or 'Market'
  • <DateFrom>
  • <DateTo>

Only visible when the csv radio button is checked

File Location Field
To specify where the csv file will be saved (default is the Reports sub-folder in the EMO data directory)
Report Batch List
Lists the currently defined Batches. Clicking on Batch makes it current and the associated list of reports is displayed in the Reports Contents Panel. Batch names can be edited directly by clicking and typing in the name field
Output Field
Displays the modeled item and its attribute contained in the report
Times in columns check box
Orders Report output so that the time dimensions is carried across columns. If not checked the time dimension is carried across rows. Allows you to change original report configuration at Batch run time.
Open Check Box
Causes a report to be opened directly after it is saved using whichever program is registered to open csv formatted files on your workstation. If not checked the file is saved but not opened. Allows you to change original report configuration at Batch run time
File Path Field
Allows override of the original Report file name and location data.
New Batch Button
Creates a new, empty batch called "_New_" and adds it to the list in the Batch Selection Panel. The new batch can be renamed by clicking the batch name in the Batch Selection Panel and typing replacement name.

Note: Reports checked for output as Charts are automatically changed to csv output when added to a batch.

Delete Batch Button
Deletes the current batch (highlighted with a pale grey border in the Batch Selection Panel)
Add Current Report Button
Saves the Report to the current Batch
Remove Report Button
Removes the Report from the current Batch
Run Batch
Produces all Reports in a Batch for the selected date/time range, writing results to the specified file locations and opening any flagged for immediate opening.

Description of the features and operation of the Chart can be found in the General Purpose Chart.

NOTE: The Reporter produces output for the Market, Forecast and Powerflow Case Data Sources only. No output will be produced for future dates in Market Data Source Mode, or for dates outside the Forecast Effective Date Range in Forecast Data Source Mode.

Report Output

Naming and Saving

Reports are saved as CSV format files. By default they are saved in the Reports Folder and are named according to the following convention:


(e.g. Node_Load_Market__22Dec05TP1-23Dec05TP1)


  • MI = Modelled Item
  • TR = Trait
  • DS = Data Source
  • ddMMMyyTPn - From /To Date and Trading Period

Output Format

Results can be output with the time dimension represented in rows (default) or columns.

The Supply and Demand Option

The Supply and Demand option in the Edit Menu provides access to the following functions:

  • Offers Graph
  • Supply Curve Chart
  • Unmatched Generation Window

The features of the Offers Graph and Supply Curve Chart are discussed in the Charts Section

Unmatched Generation Window


The Unmatched Generation Option under the Supply and Demand sub-menu of the Edit Menu of the Main Window.


To provide additional supply information for a Current Data Set drawn from the Market Data Source, by highlighting deviations in dispatched quantities from those that would be expected based on Unit Offers. In most instances these differences are due to:

  • Block dispatch (allowing the Generation to alter the dispatch from individual Units as long as group dispatch quantities are maintained)
  • Embedded generation
  • Security related dispatch


Component Feature Purpose
Overruns by Offered Quantity Panel
Gen Name Column
Lists Units generating more than was offered in total for the Current Period (according to market data)
Unmatched MW Column
= Generation - Total offered quantity (MW)
Offered Price Over-run Panel
Gen Name Column
Lists Units generating more than was offered at or below nodal price for the Current Period (according to market data)
Unmatched MW Column
= Generation - Total offered quantity at or below price at injection node (MW)
Under-dispatched Panel
Gen Name Column
Lists Units generating less than was offered at or below nodal price for the Current Period (according to market data)
Unmatched MW Column
= Total offered quantity at or below price at injection node - Generation (MW)

Additional Features

  1. Double-clicking in any row opens the Information Window for the associated Unit
  2. The Window is closed using the OK button

The POCP Outages Option


Opens a window that shows POCP outages downloaded by Energy Link and made available to EMO. The POCP data is available in the files that are downloaded from the Energy Link web site along with grid, constraint and reserves data.

The POCP Outages window shows the same data that is available on POCP itself, but in an easily filtered and sortable format, in a handy place if you are setting up EMO Scenarios of Forecasts to study the impact of future planned outages.

As of February 2014, this is a brand new feature in EMO. As much as we would like to be able to translate POCP outage data directly into offers and grid outages in EMO for you, we're not currently attempting this step because the names of entities used in POCP data does not always match up exactly with the data available to EMO, particularly in respect of grid elements.

To use the POCP Outages window, you need to:

  • Select whether you want to see generator outages or transmission outages - use tabs at top of data grid;
  • Set the start and end date and trading periods;
  • Sort the data in the grid by double clicking on a column heading.

The Active Equations Option


Opens a separate window showing the equation constraints that are active (but not necessarily binding) in a trading period. The data relates to the current Data Source, i.e. Market, Scenario, Forecast or Powerflow, that you are viewing in main Display Panel. A constraint may be in a Scenario, for example, but selected as not to be active, so it wouldn't show up in this window.
