System Purpose

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EMarketOffer is a flexible tool with five primary uses:

  • Market View - view the market outcome for a half hour on the EMO map
  • Scenario - optimally dispatch plant and calculate nodal prices for one trading period, in the same way as the SPD market clearing engine used in the New Zealand wholesale electricity Market, and conduct what-if scenario analysis
  • Forecast - optimally dispatch plant and calculate nodal prices for multiple trading periods (up to one week in length), in the same way as the SPD market clearing engine used in the New Zealand wholesale electricity Market, and conduct what-if scenario analysis including the ability to add new market resources such as, nodes, demand, generators, reserve providers and grid elements
  • Auto-SFT - analyse half hour scenarios in Scenario, Forecast and Powerflow modes and add constraints in a similar way to Transpower's SFT process
  • Powerflow - conduct DC power flow analysis for a defined grid given nodal generation and demand, for multiple trading periods (up to one week in length), and conduct what-if scenario analysis including the ability to add new market resources such as nodes, demand, generators, reserve providers and grid elements

It is intended for use by:

  • Network analysts to study the effects of system operation and transmission events, e.g. future planned outages;
  • Business analysts to study competitive offering strategies and the future implications of altered Generation and Demand patterns.

Using detailed Market and Transmission System data from recognised sources, EMarketOffer accurately reproduces market conditions for specified historical periods, allowing effective analysis of transmission effects and competitive behaviour. Fast and flexible operation allows multiple 'what-if' cases for both real and illustrative situations to be constructed, executed, analysed and modified freeing the analyst from time-consuming case construction and analysis of large output data sets.
