Loading and editing Offers Data

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Loading Energy Offers Data

>> To load Offers data into a Forecast Definition:

  1. Click the Load Data button (or you can also use the Data > Load Data option in the Menu bar of the Forecast Definition Window to open The Load Data Window)
  2. Use the Load Offers Data Dialogue to specify the details of the Offers data you wish to use,
  3. Use the Date Selector to set the start date for loading seven consecutive days data of Offers from Database into the Forecast Definition. (The Start Date is defaulted from the start date of the Effective Date Range for the Forecast Definition); or
  4. To load data from file, use the Windows file browser to locate the formatted Offers files.


  1. When loading Offers data from file EMarketOffer uses the calendar date in the Demand file name to establish the week day for which data will be loaded into the Offers profile. Loading two files for a Friday means the first set of data will be overwritten by the second set. This means you can only load data for seven days into one profile.
  2. It is possible to load partial Offer sets for limited Trading Periods and/or limited Generation Units. Only data for the Trading Periods and Generation Units in the partial file will overwrite existing data (when the Keep and Overwrite Check Box is selected).

Loading Reserves Offers

Reserves Offers can be loaded from online databases, but not from file. If your online databases do not contain Reserves Offers it is recommended that you prepare Reserves Offers in Excel and paste the results directly into the Reserves Offers Grid.

Editing Loaded Offers Data

Offers data can be edited individually by Unit using the Edit Unit Information Window accessed through the loaded data panel on the Forecast Definition Window.

>> Offer Quantities and Prices can be modified:

  1. Individually from the keyboard
  2. In groups by pasting into the Offers data grid from the clipboard
  3. By re-loading from the database (replaces the existing profile)
  4. By loading edited Offers files to replace all or part of the existing Offers profile.
  5. Using the Data Copy feature in the Edit Offers Data Window.

NOTE: Data pasted into the Offers Data Grid overwrites existing data as soon as it is pasted.

The Copy Offers Data Feature


To copy one part of the seven-day Energy and Reserves Offers profile to any other part. The feature has two modes:

  1. Copy Period
  2. Copy Day

Period Mode

>> To copy Offers data from one period to one or more periods on one or more days for a single generation unit:

  1. Select the Offer type for the copy operation using the Offer Type Button on the Edit Offer Data Window
  2. Click the Copy Period Button to place the panel into period copy mode
  3. Select the day of the period you want to copy using the day selector buttons at the top of the Copy Data Panel. (These buttons cause the associated day to be displayed in the Offer Data Grid to the left of the copy panel.)
  4. Highlight the period you want copy in the Offer Data Grid by clicking on the Periods name in the Offer Data grid.
  5. Select the 'Copy To' days using the Copy To Day Check boxes
  6. Select the 'Copy To' periods s using the Copy Periods Selector
  7. Click the Copy To Button to complete the operation.

Day Mode

>> To copy Offers data from one Day to one or more days for a single generation Unit:

  1. Select the Offer type for the copy operation using the Offer Type Button on the Edit Offer Data Window
  2. Click the Copy Day Button to place the panel into period copy mode
  3. Select the 'Copy To' using the Copy To Day Check boxes
  4. Click the Copy To button to complete the operation.
