Creating a Scenario

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>> To create a Scenario:

  1. First ensure the Presentation Interface is loaded with a current period from a Forecast or a Historical Period
  2. Place the Presentation Interface into Scenario mode by highlight the Scenario Data Source header in the Main Window Data Source Manager
  3. Click the Create Button - this will:
    1. Expand the list of existing Scenarios (if not already expanded)
    2. If the Reserves data is available in the market of forecast Data Source open the Scenario Reserves dialogue
    3. Add the newly created Scenario to the list of available Scenarios in the Scenario Browser
    4. Cause the Scenario to be displayed in the Presentation Interface (this causes the Main Window Side Panel and Information Grids in the Main Window to alter in appearance)

The Scenario Reserves Dialogue

The Scenario Reserves Dialogue allows you to:

  1. Name the Scenario (default based on name of parent Data Source)
  2. Include/exclude Reserves Offers and Settings from the Scenario

NOTE: For performance purposes, excluding Reserves modelling is recommended in all cases where reserves will have little impact on the energy dispatch.

Scenario Naming Convention

<name> ddMMMyyTPnn;v


  • <name> is the name of the Forecast from which the Scenarios was created (blank if created from Market Data Source)
  • ddMMMyy is date of the Scenario (e.g. 01Jun06)
  • TPnn is the Trading Period of the Scenario
  • v is the version of the Scenario (new Scenarios can also be created from existing Scenarios - in which case new Scenarios retain the same name but get the next highest version number)
